So, I'll play along - why not, it's a wonderful life ~
Thirty Years Ago
In Malaysia. I'll spare you the pictures of an uncoordinated, painfully reserved, 13 year old, spending every free moment playing soccer or basketball. Little did I know that in a couple of years, God would graciously intervene in my life with his glorious illuminating gospel - from death to life - blind, now I can see - yes, blessed assurance.
Twenty Years Ago
In the United States. I'm in college, on the brink of graduating, laboring through the Electronic & Computer Engineering program, struggling to keep my GPA respectable.

Professionally, I stayed with my first job for all of six months, before I figure out that what I really want to do is software development. So I join a startup...before startups were cool. At one point, I didn't get paid for 3 months. Funny thing is, I kept showing up to work every Monday.
Ten Years Ago
We have three children, learning how to navigate through marriage and family life. Frankly, I'm not sure where we'd be today without God's sustaining grace. Ten years ago, I'm enjoying a successful career, having advanced from writing code to Vice President, R&D for a public company. We're plugged into our church community, serving, prospering, doing all the right things - life is good.
But then, in 2001, we discover Kathy has cancer - it was simple check up for an unrelated pain. It seemed so surreal. It was a painful trial but it was the kindness of God.
You see, when you're 37, you don't expect to hear that kind of news - after all, you're invincible... except you're not. When you're enjoying a successful career - you're the captain of your own destiny...except you're not. When you are so busy building a life on earth - sometimes you forget that you're an exile and stranger in this world.
So God reminds us - we're not home yet, we've only one life to give and everyday together is a gift from him. That's what grace and mercy looks like.
Amen, ESI. Thanks for sharing that. Really awesome, and God's goodness to you and yours.
Dude, that looks like a serious piece of meat on your plate there!
How is Kathy today?
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
What can I say - I'm no vegetarian. My motto is - if it grazes, I eat it.
I realize that I didn't explicitly say so but Kathy is doing fine today. She had her 6 year "cancer free" this past June. We count each day a blessing. Thanks for asking
I too wondered the same thing about Kathy but hesitated to ask - good old Craver. I can always depend on him! I'm really glad to hear that report!
I'm working on the same meme, having been tagged twice on it - but am having difficulty deciding what to write - I'm thinking of taking LL's lead and "translating" it into what I want it to be.
It's so good to read your history! And I'm glad you filled us in on the present through the comments.
I'd love to hear the story of your coming to know Christ as a teenager.
The end of this... very touching. And the idea that we are not what we think... very true.
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts.
Look forward to your post on the past 30 years
thanks for tagging me - it was a wonderful exercise for me to reflect on God's kindness. At some point, I should post on how I became a Christian as a teenager
We often think of ourselves greater than we are - even when we try not to. God has a way of sobering us to the truth.
Hey, thanks for the peek into your life. Did you write about your experience with Kathy and her cancer earlier? I'd like to go back and read it.
I see in your answer to someone above that Kathy is doing fine. Thank God.
Thanks for your thoughts - I have not blogged about Kathy and the cancer episode. Perhaps I should - it had a profound effect on our lives and by God's design, it was meant for our good. I guess sometime in the future I probably will.
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