Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quote of the Week

"The temptation we humans face, which Jesus faced in the wilderness, is to snatch at the world to use it for our own pleasure or glory. But when we bring a symbol of the created world before the creator God in gratitude and offering, we are symbolically saying that he is the creator, and that we have no rights over creation independently of him."

N.T. Wright, Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship, p. 9


Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes. I appreciate this, because I think we evangelicals overall do not have a good theology of creation. And this is greatly to our loss, as well as the loss of others around us, not to mention creation itself.

Every Square Inch said...

This is why I was drawn to this quote - it reminds us that creation is to be stewarded with humility and accountability to God.