Since April of last year, I have been involved in starting a non-profit ministry called Open Source Mission. Together with partners like Sovereign Grace Ministries, Desiring God, 9 Marks and Ligonier, OSM has launched an initiative called Gospel Translations. Our goal is to make gospel centered materials available online for free in multiple languages. Think of it as a "wikipedia" for biblically sound content - feel free to check out the Gospel Translations website.
The work of translation is done by a network of committed, volunteer translators who collaborate together to translate articles and books from authors like John Piper, R.C. Sproul, Mark Dever and C.J. Mahaney, among others, into other languages. Although the Gospel Translations website currently features only two language resource pages (Spanish, Chinese), we actually cover 18 languages and will be bringing translated content in the other languages online over the next couple of months. Since our launch at the end of September, we have now translated over 80 articles and a number of smaller books.
We were grateful to be featured on the Desiring God blog this past December and also on the Worship Matters blog. If this stirs something in your heart and you're interested in helping us, there are a few ways you can join our effort (none of it involves money!) -
1. If you're bilingual, you can signup as a translator or reviewer.
2. If you're a blogger, you can help us "spread the word" by posting about our initiative.
3. If you're not bi-lingual, you can also help out as an administrative volunteer to work on loading up translated articles and books.
4. You can spread the word about our initiative the "old fashion way", simply by telling others about it. We especially want to connect with ethnic churches or fellowships.
We think that making Christ centered books and articles accessible to growing churches worldwide can be strategically important and we hope that the Gospel Translations project can play a part in that growth. What do you think about our initiative?
Sounds like it is going well. Have you tried connecting with people like Al Hsu? He's on my list of editors in last week's post.
Wow, what a great project. And good people working on it. Blessings.
That's a good idea - I have not specifically contacted Al Hsu although I was introduced via email to his wife, who works at IVP as well.
This is a wonderful and encouraging post - makes me wish that I could read and write many other languages to help.
Rubik's Cube? Somehow that just didn't surprise me!
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