Sunday, August 13, 2006

Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5

I didn't post last week due to an exceptionally busy week but I'd like to pick up where I left off. Thanks for those who contributed with comments on how they make much of Christ in their workplace. There were some excellent thought provoking comments.

Here's what John Piper has to say on the topic from Chapter 8 of his book Don't Waste Your Life -

1. We can make much of God in our secular job through the fellowship we enjoy with him throughout the day in all our work.

2. We make much of Christ in our secular work by the joyful, trusting, God exalting design of our creativity and industry.

3. We make much of Christ in our secular work when it confirms and enhances the potrait of Christ's glory that people hear in the spoken gospel.

4. We make much of Christ in our secular work by earning enough money to keep us from depending on others, while focusing on the helpfulness of our work rather than financial rewards.

5. We make much of Christ by earning money with the desire to use our money to make others glad in God.

6. We make much of Christ in our secular work by treating the web of relationships it creates as a gift of God to be loved by sharing the gospel and by practical deeds of help.

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